Invoke Event

The following nodes are available for triggering events:

Node Name Description
DidaInvokeEvent The most commonly used event trigger node; also used to access the EventSubsystem

For example, you can use the DidaInvokeEvent node directly within a blueprint.


Below is an explanation of the relevant parameters:

Parameter Description
Outer Used as the Outer to instantiate the Payload, as well as to access the EventSubsystem.
Event The event to be triggered.
Channel If not None, only listeners with either no channel or the same channel will be triggered.
Payload Specifies the type of payload parameters to be used.

Once a payload is selected, parameters defined with meta=(ExposeOnSpawn) in the payload will be listed.


When the node executes, it instantiates the payload and assigns the specified parameters, with the provided object as its Outer.

Additionally, UDidaEventLibrary provides non-K2Node versions of various functions, which can be used as needed.