Event Payload
Basic Usage
The payload is used to carry additional parameters when an event is triggered. It is defined by inheriting from UDidaEventPayload
At the time of triggering, payload parameters can be set through the node.
When listening, cast to the target type to retrieve payload parameters.
Creating a Payload
If it’s necessary to instantiate a payload manually due to specific requirements, you can use the static function UDidaEventLibrary::SpawnDidaEventPayload
from the event function library. Once created, use the library’s static function UDidaEventLibrary::InvokeEvent
to trigger the event.
Overloading Serialization
The payload supports overloading the following two functions:
Parameter | Description |
MakeString | Generates a string based on payload data |
LoadString | Assigns payload data from a string |
These functions are called during RPC and TCP event transmission for encoding payload data.
By default, data is converted to a JSON string based on reflection information, but special types, such as pointers, may require custom encoding and decoding logic. Implementing these functions enables seamless network transmission of events.
Payload Recycling
To optimize payload creation overhead, a recycling mechanism for payloads is available. This is disabled by default to prevent exceptions due to incorrect recycling function implementations. If you wish to enable it, create a subclass based on UDidaEventPayloadRecyclable
and implement NativeOnRecycled
or K2_OnRecycled
The payload will attempt to retrieve from the recycle pool upon creation and be recycled after the event is invoked.
Ensure proper implementation of the recycling functions to avoid call exceptions or prolonged object retention. Also, avoid using the payload after it has been recycled.